Indonesian Legal Expert Series

Dr.Aprima Suar S.H.M.H agung suyono - Indonesian Police Translator

Dr.Aprima Suar S.H.M.H is a Profesional Legal Expert , Lecturer at Master of Laws Program in Trisakti University in Jakarta,and Retired Police Officer.

Chapter II Continues 

 Intrinsic motivation (intern)

 Inteligency factors are a level of personality ability for considering   and making decision. Where in a person's intelligence factor can affect its behavior, for example, if a person who has a high intelegency or intelligence, he will always consider the profit and loss or badly effect done on every act. And when a person affected by crime, it is the perpetrator and if he commits the crime  he will be able to do himself, so by looking at anyone will doubt whether he is doing the crime. The development of operandi mode in committing today's crime is more likely to use or utilize modern technology. Almost against all cases of crime is always encountered techniques and the results of the latest technology, which is influenced by the intellegency of more generally actors. If we review the evil that occurred at this time is due to the high technology, so in terms of proof is very difficult to prove. The more high education of a person, is dangerous if it does the crime either the economic motive and because of revenge, by using modern technology in committing the crime. Facing the operandi mode that is increasingly higher the value of its technology, plus a fast-paced mobility, it is worthy of our enormous knowledge and ability of investigators, accompanied by high dedication of field officers or scientific in the laboratory. So with the knowledge, then the officers to determine who are the perpetrators of the crime, thus avoiding the arrest, which resulted in a loss for the people who were accused of committing the crime. So the more high person's intellgence, it would be easier he committed a crime. 

The intelligence phase can be measured by a test battery specified by Binet and Simon. The result is matched with certain numbers to earn the EQ (Inteligency quetient), among others: the idiot of the intelligence of the intelligence with the intelligence of age 2 years 1 s / d 50 is called intensity of the intelligence of the age of 5-6 years 51 s / d 71 is called Debil . 

Intelligence  Level can reach class 2-3 Elementary School Student up to 71 up to  90 is called slowly.

 The tightness of the intelligence can reach grade 5 Elementary School up to 91 and 110 is called normal level of intelligence, the Yunior High  Student (Grade 8) is 111 up to150 is called cleverly.  The intelligence of the intelligence of college student can be 150 to the top is called the genius.

 Idiot is those who have the thoughts of those whose ability of thinking is not more than  normal child of 3 years.

 Imbieciel is a human being with the ability and the power of his thoughts are nothing more than a 6-year-old child. Debil is a man of a human who has a thought to think or the ability of thinking is not more than a 12-year-old child. 

Age factors may also affect the ability to think and do the ability to act, the increasing age or age of a person, the increasing maturity of thinking can be differentiating something good and bad deeds. Because in general if someone who has reached an adult age will increase the need and the desire to be met or found. As it is known that humans have the period on development of life or brought that He has been brought since he was born, there are several phases in the development or growth of a human being, among the future: 

1. Childhood (0-11 years) This period is: a very important period of a basic or basis for the development of individual children in further development. When this time, it is inconsistent education and teaching in the growth and development of the child, the child will come to experience a drowless life. So that the child is going to be a good person is influenced by the teaching and education given to the child. 

In this phase the nature of the criminal-done child is as follows: 

1) The delications made in general is simple, for example: theft of small and the damage deeds. At this psychoion the child is not mature and more ignorance that the acts he does is a banned.

 2) The delication can also happen because of the money or the effect of his adult friends. The actual child has not matured to distinguish where good deeds and where bad deeds are. The frequency of a child's crime to commit crimes at this time is as follows: 

1) The acts taken or obstacle is a bad behavior that can not be imposed / punishment. 

2) If the criminal element is in accordance with the deliates listed in the law, then the deed is not always in criminal when done by children.

 Teenage (12-17 years). At this age besides fast physical growth, argument psychiatric symptoms (psychic). At this age known to the more different types of differences, in line with it began to grow sexual feelings in both each type (during the first puberty). This age is considered critical because both women and men are very necessary to coaching to accommodate the physical symptoms and psychic just experienced first Physical growth encouragement primarily for men tend to do deviations in the form of fights and persecution, theft, and others. The act was done more perfectly. Starting from shapes of timber to the above crimes. The circumcision that can be done include: leaving schools, not compliant to parents, and so on. 

Adult age (18 31 years). At this age of physical growth reaches its peak. This physical growth can encourage to commit crime, forms of crimes that are physical as such as: robbery, theft, fights, persecution, even murder can also occur. The actions above are influenced and driven by his physical ability. At this age growing a psychic symptom (essential psychiatric) symptoms: the desire to do something that highows the certificate of doing strange or advocentic acts. For example, the actions are: the ideals want to surround the world and can be done real, without a careful, bad and good calculation of the way the journey. At this age the most extremely crime fispension. Because at this age people do crime acts without thinking of the consequences and impacts of the deeds, whether it is to itself or to others. Because he did the act only use or accentuate his strength of his certificate, so as to think of the consequences of the actions did not exist. 

So to overcome one not to commit a crime required coach and moral education, the education of religious and community norms. So with the education of norms and religion, he can differentiate which good and bad deeds, so to do the actions that are contrary to religion or contrary to the law will fall from his mind to do the act. 

Full adulthood (31-55 years). At this age of the growth of the soul (psychic) reaches the peak. The crime  commitment is physical theft with violence, ordinary theft, fights and persecution, and others begin to be abandoned. At this age the crime is based on the psychic movement (mental movement) for example: embezzlement, fraud, vehicle thefts, collusion and others. Which of the crimes performed the soul-joy the souls in doing the crime surfaces they want to do, so to commit the crime is based on the will of his heart (his soul), in other words what the heart says that is the deed to be taken without looking at the deeds to be done, either or bad the actions will be done. The last age of age (at the age of the physical or psychic (abusal physical and spiritual ability to return declined). Frequency of crime that generally decreases compared with adult age I and age adult II and age is irregularly.  This crime purse to the pre-phase done in the phase is seldom. The psichiatric  argue  that one of the criminal age is 40 years, is the lasting of the crisis, at the age of the slightest deviation. At this age is the actual aber. This is the actual aberration. At this age is the actual life. It at the age of life is achieved. The crime has started to decline until the old time of deviations or crimes committed, among the other: theft theft, the exhibition of the mild adultery rapidly). 

C.The gender factor that from the birth of a person has a different level of sex graduation and even have already seeds of descendants. According to Sigmund Freud, that man lives in libido sexuality. If a person is not able to master himself then the sexual harashment arise. 

As P. Luke said  that evil nature to essence has been in humans since they were obtained and they were obtained in his descendants. From this opinion taken the conclusion that certain sexual properties include. Then when it's viewed from the percentage of crimes committed by women and men are different. This can be seen from the statistics that the percentage of crimes committed by men are more than the evil performed by women. Likewise the forms of crime made both wide, frequency or the way. This depends on the difference in the nature of the woman's nature with the males of the man, which has already or he has been obtained since he was born and also inhabit with the life of a community. We need to know that the physical women are weaker when compared to the physical man, so to commit more crimes done by men from the dooms by women.

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