Indonesian Legal Expert Series

Dr.Aprima Suar S.H.M.H suyono- Indonesian Police Translator

Dr. Aprima Suar S.H.M.H is a Profesional Legal Expert, Lecturer at Master of Laws in Trisakti University and Retired Police Officer


 Factors that affect the criminal acts of motor vehicles stealing , the factor causes the increasing crime of theoretical crime from a sociological perspective grouped into three common categories: strain, cultural deviance, and social controversione. The perspective of strains and cultural deviations focuses on social forces (social forces) that causes people to criminal activity. Instead on social control theory has a different approach. This theory is based on the assumption that motivation to commit a crime is part of mankind nature. As a consequence, social control theory is trying to find answers why people do not commit a crime. In addition, this theory examines the ability of groups and social institutions to make effective rules. The events of criminal events are caused by many factors, when viewed from the perpetrators of the crime, it can be categorized into two large groups that is an external factor and internal factors. Many studies, research and study of this crime, but here the author discusses based on facts and experiences. Internal factors in the back of two rights of the actors and psychological conditions of the perpetrators, the motivation of the actors will be closely related to external factors we will discuss later, while the psychological conditions are closely related to the assumption that every tendency of humans behaves deviant. While external factors can we be to be

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