Indonesian Legal Expert Series

Dr.Aprima Suara S.H.M.H -agung suyono- Indonesian Police Translator

Dr. Aprima Suar S.H.M.H is a Professional Legal Expert ,Lecturer at Master of Laws Program in Trisakti University and Retired Police Officer in Jakarta Indonesia.


Facts Of Vehicle Theft Crime in the local region of the Jakarta Police  Cr
Area.Criminal  acts  is the phenomenon of human life and society, therefore can not be released from space and time. Crime is a human problem in the form of social reality, which cause of the reason is less understood. This happens anywhere and anytime in the interior. Up and down of the crime rate depends on the state of the community, political, economic, cultural, and so forth. Concept with a broad and deep symptom, nesting as a disease in the body of the community, thus harming life at least to cause loss. Special Region of Jakarta as the capital of Indonesia has high population density. The solid population requires adequate employment to cover all the audience so that there is no social gap. Social gaps can cause many social problems that occured in the community. One of the problems caused is criminality. Crimes in major cities has become a social issue that makes the citizen become uncomfortable. However, the crime rate in Jakarta City continues to increase on every year. Large crime levels in major cities can be caused by the additional populations.
 *Martiman Prodjohamidjojo, Memahami Dasar-Dasar Pidana Indonesia 2,  Jakarta : Pradya Paramitha, 1997,  page 2. 

Urbanization of the population. The urbanization flow is very much occurred at post-annual holidays. According to  Jakarta's City Population Data and Civil Registrar's  Office , since 2004 to 2013, the post annual holiday rate of the extent shows the decrease trend. Progress of life in modern societies in the inflammatory interests seems to make it easier for the possibility of conflict of interest and the lifestyle of hedonism or the luxury on the one hand and on the other hand is the absence of revenues that caused the gap between revenues and expenses, especially for the cost of life within the limits of human feasibility. This provides opportunities and triggers the citizens in low faith and divoted , acting in breaking the legal norms and the ethics . The rapid growth of science and technology (IPTEK) has a positive impact as well as negative impact on the development or growth of the community. The positive impact is that rapidly growth of the science industry will certainly provide an advantages for the fulfillment of the needs of the community that has always grown to grow and change. While the negative impact is that the growth of the science of the science and technology has been accompanied by the development of crime in various types and ways. In fact it has been that the prevention of vehicle theft  in Jakarta City using the pearl facilities, with the implementation of criminal law which is ultimately is the criminal offense of criminal sanctions to the perpetrators such impatient has not shown satisfactory results. As the data that the authors earn that the vehicles theft crime figures still remain in the amount of huge number .


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