Indonesian Legal Expert Series

Dr.Aprima Suar S.H.M.H agung suyono - Indonesian Police Translator

Dr.Aprima Suar S.H.M.H is a Profesional Legal Expert, Lecturer at Master of Laws in the Trisakti University,and Retired Police Officer.

Chapter.II Continues

2. The model discharge through the media show is like two sides of the knife. Shortly the criminals add people, not to the community are not getting ready. Limiting the opportunity of one can prevent the occurrence of criminal action by limiting the emergence of the opportunity to steal. If the thief will pass through the entrance and we have lock it, of course, it includes reducing the opportunity to steal. Take care of yourself with a skill and some other preparations before the criminal action can be done by community citizens. The above ways are not the most effective way, it will only be work exactly when the case is applied. According to Andrianus Meliala Motor vehicles thefts assumption as a simple crime is extremely confused when it comes to the fact that this adult performer is professional and organized". That society has been confused to evaluate the development of motor vehicles theft appeared in mind that there was a perception that the courage was a common evil, can be done by anyone, and no need to prepare. He, said, the assumption that the courage was only done by the past by the (bystander criminality). In line with the assumption, the community has been secure as well as to make standard security. For example, simply by installing a Steer or Alarm lock. "In fact, in the villagers of many people who still rely on social security on their moving property,". The assumption is not completely wrong, it's not just enough to arrive there. The actors of the crime are now making the courage of a livelihood that produces a reasonable revenues. In line with that, the perpetrator with the motives of finding the profit also complemented themselves with adequate theft and techniques. "Therefore the perception of the community about the treasurer was detrimental to his own society," firmly felt. The standard security of doing so far and felt the community as sufficient, it has no one in the hands of a professional motor vehicles thefts . Another one who can support the motor vehicles thefts is the bad public factors (Public Places). Situations like irregularities, unordered, uncertainty, or absence of system support for people in public places are a common picture, especially in large cities. Public places like in places with crowded and densed conditions, the easy-to-use condition is desirable for various things to do multiple factors), and anonymity and individual conditions of individuality (individuals and belonging individuals). The criminality or evil is not a heredital events (the default since the birth, the heritage); Also not a biological heritage. The criminal behavior can be done by anyone, both women and men; Can take place at age, adult or age. The crime constraints can be done in aware; That is thinking, planned and directed at a particular purpose aware. But it can also be done in a half aware, for example; Driven by great impulsions, abused by strongly compulsory grinding (compulsion) and by obsession. Evil can also be done unconsciously alternatively, for example because they have to defend his life, one must fight and have to respond to attacking the criminal. The very complex modern society grows high aspirations as often as well as being unhealthy social missions. Criminals are often occurring in dynamic societies like urban. Criminals, forms of theft, robbery, vehicles thefts, and others. Evil is a violation of the law and violates social norms, so that the opposition is against it. In criminology is knowledge of evil. 

The term of the criminology comes from the French Antropology p. Topinard (1800-1911). 

Some definitions of criminals stated by the famous scholars as follows; Mr. Paul Moedigdo Moeliono says: Criminology is a science that is supported by various knowledge, which discusses evil as human problems. 
J. Constant says: Criminology is empirical knowledge aimed at determining the causes of the crime and criminals, regarding sociological, economic, and individual factors 

W. Sanner says: Criminology is a knowledge of individual personal qualities and cultured and wellness of research is the criminality in individual life, and the criminals in the lives of nations and nations. Basically there are some things that cause someone to do a one-to-action action that is so unbeatable to someone and make a panic and raise the misrepresentation of others: Intrinsic motivation (intern)


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