Indonesian Legal Expert Series

Dr.Aprima Suar S.H.M.H agung suyono - Indonesian Police Translator

Dr.Aprima Suar S.H.M.H is a Profesional Legal Expert ,Lecturer at Master of Laws in Trisakti University Jakarta and Retired Police Officer.

Chapter II Continues 

Some parts are economic factors, the potential factors of crime victims, communities, laws and law enforcement. The condition of the micro economy experienced a significant development, but the macroeconomic conditions is not so, government policy with a rule of fuel affects the entire points of community life, the middle class people will not also feel too much, but the society that is on the  underneath strata  will greatly feel the impact. Increased numbers of unemployed participate to take part in the various occurrence of various crimes including motor vehicles stealing , many motivational theories  can be use to discuss the problem of theft crimes of motor vehicles, I simplified that the basic needs of human (basic need) are eating, clothing and housing. In Facts in the field that Motor Vehicles thefts actors are motivated into more crime, perpetrators based on motivation to meet the basic needs. The theory of strains and cultivation of the culture both assume that social class and criminal behavior are relating, but different in terms of the nature of the relationship. The strain theory assume that all members of the community follow a set of cultural values is the of the middle class. One of the most important cultural values is the economic success, because the lower-class people have no legitimate means to achieve that goal, they become frustrating and switching to unauthorized means. At the theory of cultural deviation states that people from the lower class have a set of different values, which tend to conflict with the values of the middle class. As a consequence when the lower classes follow their own value system, they may have violated conventional norms. It is commonly accepted that the criminology object is the norms of behavior (behaviorism) that are not preferred by community groups, but crime (criminal) as one of them is still the most important part. Factors of psychological or psychiatric conditions of the perpetrator, the assumption that each individual has the potential to behave deviant, theft can be entered into deviant behavior because there are some norms that is violated the legal norm and religious norms. This psychiatric condition is strongly influenced by how big the motivation arises to support the creation of a deviant behavior. The individual potential for behaving deviant also can not be separated from social control, this social control can arise from personal and from the surrounding community. If social controls are running and greater than personal motivation to do crime then there will be such deviant behavior. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the inventor of Psychoanalysis, argues that the crime may be the result of an overactive consciensce that produces unbearable guilt to commit crime with the goal to be arrested and punished. So punished then the guilt of their guard is important. The Psychoanalytic approach still stands out in explaining both normal and associative functions. Although criticized, three basic principles attract psychological studies that study crimes: nationwide and acts of behavior can be understood by looking at their childhood development. The behavior and the subconscious motives are call-of-the-handed is not described if we want to understand the crime. Crimes are basically represented from psychological conflicts. Lambrosso explained the crime from the classical theory to the positive theory . The significant difference between classical theory and positive theory is that the latter is looking for empirical facts to confirm the idea that the crime is determined by various factors, where psychological figures consider a variation of possible disabilities in awareness, emotional emotion, inadequate socialization in the small time, loss of relationships with Mother etc. While the biological figure follows Charles Goring tradition in a business tracing about criminal behavior. 

Based on this research, Lombrosso classifies the villain into 4 groups, namely: 

a.Born Criminal, ie people based on the atavism doctrine. 

b.Insane Criminal, ie people become criminals as a result of several changes in their brains that interfere with their ability to distinguish between right and wrong. An example is an idiot, embillist, or paranoid group. 

c.Occasional criminal, or criminaloid, ie crime perpetrators based on continuous experience that affects his personal. For example the recurrent of the Conginian (Habitual Criminals). 

d.Criminal of Passion, ie the perpetrators of the crime that performs his actions because of anger, love, or because of honor. 

People who tend to perform criminal acts are low personal control , people who tend to brave, very strong dominance, more power, extravert, tend to be assertive, macho, encouragement to meet very high physical needs, and so on. The above theories have been studied in the study of prisoners by various experts. It's just that it seems to still need a more comprehensive study not only one aspect of personality of research personally, but all the nature can be profiled together. Many experts have given answers to the question of why people take criminal acts. Among other things: Poverty is the cause of the revolution and crime of the archothestic opportunity to become a thief of free will, hedonistic decisions, and failures in conducting social contracts ativistic trait or antisocial properties of the default as the cause of criminal behavior of punishment given to the proper importance (other classical theorists) there is no single factor that is the cause and explanation of all forms of criminal that occur in society. Crimeness can not be removed from this Earth. Which can only be reduced through precautions Penalty. During this time punishment becomes the main means to make the cheer of the criminal actor lowered. And this behavioristic approach seems to be suitable to run in overcoming criminal problems. It's just that it needs certain conditions, for example consistent, fairness, open, and appropriate


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